What We Do

Web Design
We design affordable high quality websites for Businesses, Charities and Schools as well as offering e-commerce solutions to get your business online fast.
We offer completely unlimited website hosting from just £2.99 a month, with 99.9% server uptime Site Wide Hosting is a great choice for business hosting.
Website Support
We provide a number of website support packages to suit your needs, whether you require a one-off update or continuous monthly website support.
Site Updates
If you haven’t already taken advantage of our web design services, we can still support you with your existing website.
Services We Provide

Site Wide Design creates websites that help you grow. We use the latest techniques and technology to ensure the success of your website. We do not hide behind false claims of success, our web designs speak for themselves.

Site Wide Design offer support packages ranging from an hour per month to fixed price projects all on a subscription basis. You choose the level of support you require and we handle the rest..
Site Wide Hosting is available not only for our web design customers but to the general public too. Our hosting platform is completely unlimited and has been setup specifically for Wordpress and Joomla websites.
Site Wide design have been creating websites with Joomla! since 2008, which was when the project really started to take off with the release of Joomla! 1.0.
Site Wide Design have been using Wordpress as the CMS of choice for all Local Education Authority School website projects since 2012.